
(Breakfast is always included in the prices)

Special rates have been secured at Skiathos Palace Hotel.

  • Prices for a Double room range between 140 and 120 euros / night,
  • Prices for a Single room range between  130 and 110 euros / night.
  • For reservations made by Monday afternoon January 17th 2022 there is a 15 % reduction

You can access the hotel site by using the link  and then hit the Booking Code tab, rather than using the Voucher/Promo Code area, in order to enter the conference booking code HSR2022.  It is a booking code rather than a promo code as shown in the attached Skiathos_Palace_Booking.pdf file. Once the booking code is activated you will be redirected to the hotel booking site in order to make your reservation.

Note that the offer holds for reservations between June 25th and July the 3rd (the reservation can be for a shorter but not for a longer period of time) in which case we are entitled to the special booking rate with an one night deposit. 

Due to limited room availability, those planning on making reservations with Skiathos Palace  are advised to do so by May 2nd .

Other options for accommodation

For those interested in other accommodation options, there is a number of hotels and vacarion rentals conveniantly located near the  Koukounaries beach area with affordable prices. 

Those interested in these alternatives are also advised to make their reservations by the first week of May, as this is typically a high demand area.  

Use the following link for additional info regarding nearby hotels.

When making your hotel reservation please mention that it is in the context of HSR2022 conference.

Follow Google maps for additional distance info and photos.

By manipulating the route destinations so that the Hotel you are interested is last
and clicking on the selected Hotel you can see more photos,
location information, booking references and customer reviews